Kidney & Heart, study & practice

Kidney & Heart, study & practice


Section A: Medical Papers. Section B: Urinalysis. Section C: AJKD Core curriculum. Section D: e-books.         ____________________________________

Section B: Urinalysis for the residency programme

Finding the hidden

Finding the hidden

URINALYSIS for renal residents

    B1. AJKD Urinalysis 2019    

    B2. AJKD Urinalysis 2008    

    B3. Urinalysis review    

    B4. Urinalysis protocol    

    B5. Urinalysis presentation for residents.   

    B6. Urinalysis Automated vs manual 

    B7. Urinalysis teaching policies    

    B8. Urinalysis pictures

    B9. Assessment on urinalysis - login to WizLearn urinalysis


      Section D: E-books

      Book shelf

      Book shelf

        D1. Text Book of Cardiology 

        D2. Clinical Nephrology - Woo Keng Thye, 3rd Edition

        D3. Clinical Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation - Nuhad Ismail, offline 

        D4. Applied Pathophysiology, disease and liquid

        D5. Stanford antibiotic guidebook 

        D6. Drug dialysis

        D7. Transplant Kidney (eBook) 

        D8. Kidney eponyms and abbreviations 

        D9. Medical Eponyms and abbreviations 

        D10. MIMS Multidisciplinary  

        D11. Mark Manual


        D13. Johnson Comprehensive Clinical Nephrology 

        D14. kidney disease classic reviews     


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